Congratulations to Miao Feng (the ninth one from left to right) obtaining his Doctor's degree!
Congratulations to Zequn Shen (the second one from right to left) obtaining his Doctor's degree!
Congratulations to Xinjia Huang (the eighth one from left to right) obtaining his Doctor's degree!
Congratulations to Haipeng Xu (the fourth one from left to right) obtaining his Doctor's degree!
Congratulations to Ningbin Zhang (the fourth one from left to right) obtaining his Doctor's degree!
The group photo at the annual party before the 2021 Chinese New Year.
Congratulations to Lisen Ge (the seventh one from right to left) obtaining his Doctor's degree!
Congratulations to Jiang Zou (the fifth one from right to left) obtaining his Doctor's degree!
Congratulations to Ling Li (the fifth one from right to left) obtaining his Master's degree!
The group dinner before the 2019 Chinese New Year.