Soft Robotics and Biodesign Lab

Our Research


he Gu Research Group focuses on design, manufacturing, modeling and control of new bioinspired, soft robots for safe, compatible and adaptive interactions with humans and environments. Our current research interests include soft robotics, bioinspired robot design and motion control, smart materials actuators and sensors, and additive manufacturing with soft materials. Example applications include soft wearable rehabilitation robots for assisting and restoring the ability of the humans with the upper extremity weakness in activities of daily living, bioinspired robotic systems for grasping and manipulation, and soft sensing systems for human-robot interaction.

In order to achieve this goal, we are currently advancing fundamental science and integrated technology on soft materials, smart materials, bioinspired design, robotic control and 3D printing.


Understanding and exploring soft functional materials for “artificial muscle” actuation, and “artificial skin” sensing systems


Understanding and seeking inspiration from natural systems for bioinspired mechanism design


Developing autonomous motion planning and control algorithms for the hyper-redundant, continuum or soft robotic systems


Creating new 3D printing platforms for seamless integration and rapid fabrication of soft multifunctional materials


Characterizing and compensating the nonlinear behaviors in the smart/soft materials actuated systems