Soft Robotics and Biodesign Lab

Soft neuroprosthetic hand

A soft neuroprosthetic hand providing simultaneous myoelectric control and tactile feedback.

Welcome to Gu Research Group

he SJTU Soft robotics and biodesign (SRB) lab focuses on design, manufacturing, modeling and control of new bioinspired, soft robots for safe, compatible and adaptive interactions with humans and environments. SRB Lab is part of Robotics Institute, School of Mechanical Engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Our current research interests include soft robotics, bioinspired robot design and motion control, smart materials actuators and sensors, and additive manufacturing with soft materials. Example applications include soft wearable rehabilitation robots for assisting and restoring the ability of the humans with the upper extremity weakness in activities of daily living, bioinspired robotic systems for grasping and manipulation, and soft sensing systems for human-robot interaction.

Recent Publication>>More

X-crossing pneumatic artificial muscles, Science Advances (2023)

A soft neuroprosthetic hand providing simultaneous myoelectric control and tactile feedback, Nature Biomedical Engineering (2023)

Dexterous electrical-driven soft robots with reconfigurable chiral-lattice foot design, Nature Communications (2023)

3D-printed PEDOT:PSS for soft robotics, Nature Reviews Materials (2023)

High-speed and low-energy actuation for pneumatic soft robots with internal exhaust air recirculation, Advanced Intelligent Systems (2023)

High-stretchability, ultralow-hysteresis conducting polymer hydrogel strain sensors for soft machines, Advanced Materials (2022)

Kinematic modeling and characterization of soft parallel robots, IEEE Transactions on Robotics (2022)

Inchworm inspired multimodal soft robots with crawling, climbing, and transitioning locomotion, IEEE Transactions on Robotics (2022)

Cutaneous ionogel mechanoreceptors for soft machines, physiological sensing, and amputee prostheses, Advanced Materials (2021)

Soft wall-climbing robots, Science Robotics (2018)

Modeling of viscoelastic electromechanical behavior in a soft dielectric elastomer actuator, IEEE Transactions on Robotics (2017)

A survey on dielectric elastomer actuators for soft robots, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics (2017)

Integrated soft ionotronic skin with stretchable and transparent hydrogel-elastomer ionic sensors for hand-motion monitoring, Soft Robotics (2019)

Analytical modeling and design of generalized pneu-net soft actuators with 3D deformations, Soft Robotics (2020)

Fast-Response, Stiffness-Tunable Soft Actuator by Hybrid Multimaterial 3D Printing, Advanced Functional Materials (2019)

Group Announcements>>More

Our paper on hierarchically-interlocked, three-axis soft iontronic sensor has been accepted for publication in the Advanced Materials Technologies. Congratulations to Zequn and co-authors.

Our paper on characterization and modeling of fabric-based pneumatic actuators has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). Congratulations to Miao and co-authors.

Our paper on ANCF-based dynamic modeling of variable curvature soft pneumatic actuators has been accepted for publication in the Smart Materials and Structures. Congratulations to Yu.

Our paper on shape estimation of self-occluding soft parallel robots has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. Congratulations to Yu.

Our paper on control of soft robots amidst uncertain environmental contacts and forces has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics. Congratulations to Xinjia and co-authors.

Our paper on high-precision dynamic control of soft robots with physics-learning hybrid modeling has been accepted for publication in the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. Congratulations to Xinjia and co-authors.

Our paper on multidirectional bending soft pneumatic actuators has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. Congratulations to Xinyu and co-authors.

Our paper on all 3D-printed soft HD-sEMG electrode arrays has been accepted for publication in the Advanced Functional Materials. Congratulations to Yi and co-authors.

Our paper on a generalized motion control framework of dielectric elastomer actuators has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics. Congratulations to Jiang and co-authors.

Our paper on modeling and design of lattice-reinforced pneumatic soft robots has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics. Congratulations to Dong and co-authors.

Neuron has published one "Q&A artical" with Prof. Guoying Gu" to discuss the inherently multi-disciplinary nature of soft robotics research and particularly the deep back-and-forth connection with neuroscience.


Soft neuroprosthetic hand

High-stretchability, ultralow-hysteresis strain sensors for soft machines

Design and modeling of soft parallel robots

Cutaneous Ionogel Mechanoreceptors for Soft Machines and Prostheses

Soft wall-climbing robot

Hyper-redundant snake robot